Rylee Dawn Troutman
May 2, 2008
Blogging for REAL Foods
Toxic Emotions & Toxic Foods
When we eat foods with preservatives and MSG, and are genetically modified and full of crap, those things build up in our systems. Which completely interrupt the natural flows of our bodies, these foods make us constipated, give us high blood pressure, make us obese (which is now a pandemic) when we stuff away all these "fake foods" it causes a lot of bodily turmoil. And in many ways, these foods make us stuck in our lives, and trapped in our bodies.
Effects of MSG- Skin rash, nausea, migraine headache, heart irregularities, seizures, and depression are examples of adverse reactions that have been reported following ingestion of MSG.
Effects of GMO- Deaths and near deaths, cancer and other degenerative ailments, viral and bacterial illness, allergies, Birth Defects, Toxicity, and Lowered Nutrition
Which is quite similar to emotions; if you are not truthful with yourself and make up things to relieve yourself from guilt, love, sadness, joy, pain or the TRUTH, etc it only causes more damage. And we end up only gaining serious emotional problems, and we build patterns that stick with us for our lives. Rather than if you were honest with yourself from the start, you can clear up old hurts and present ones and face life with clarity and truth.
Maybe I will start a food company called 'Honest Foods'
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Decline of Honeybees

They buzz. They make honey. And they're dying at a rapid pace.
Over the past 50 years, the bees have declined by 50%.
People have been coming up with theories as to why this is happening.
Some say it's because of the pesticides, others blame it on the cell phone radiation. There is evidence of a bee killer "varroa mite" which infests bee hives and force the bees to abandon their homes.
Honeybees play a larger role in our human lives than we could possibly imagine. Bees pollinate approximately 30-40% of our food. They pollinate the fruits, vegetables and nuts. Without them our diet would be bland and limited.
Sadly, the sun is setting on the age of the bees.
Compost Tea. A Whole New Plant Food.
Gabe Granach
The first time I heard about compost tea, I was severely confused. Compost tea? Does it make you grow big and strong? No. Compost tea is not for you, it’s for your plants.
Compost tea is created by steeping compost in water for around five days. Then after straining, the liquid is applied to the soil around the plant and the nutrients are absorbed by the plant. One very cool benefit of compost tea is that extracts that are beneficial for the plant can be added to the mixture while brewing and the tea usually provides much needed oxygen.
Ideally, compost teas contain both an Abundance and a Diversity of beneficial microorganisms which perform different functions. Pathogenic organisms that land on the leaf surface simply cannot compete with the beneficial organisms and therefore have a greatly reduced chance to initiate disease in the first place.
All in all, compost tea is a wonderful addition to any plant. Different solutions can be made to further benefit the plants, and prevent from any disease in the plant. Compost tea is a very easy process to complete, and can be done on any scale.
Direct nutrition
A source of foliar and soil organic nutrients.
Chelated micronutrients for easy plant absorption
Nutrients in a biologically available form for both plant and microbial uptake
Microbial Functions
Compete with disease causing microbes
Degrade toxic pesticides and other chemicals
Produce plant growth hormones
Mineralize plant available nutrients
Fix nitrogen
Plant surfaces are occupied by beneficial microbes leaving no room for pathogens to infect the plant (squatters rights)
The first time I heard about compost tea, I was severely confused. Compost tea? Does it make you grow big and strong? No. Compost tea is not for you, it’s for your plants.
Compost tea is created by steeping compost in water for around five days. Then after straining, the liquid is applied to the soil around the plant and the nutrients are absorbed by the plant. One very cool benefit of compost tea is that extracts that are beneficial for the plant can be added to the mixture while brewing and the tea usually provides much needed oxygen.
Ideally, compost teas contain both an Abundance and a Diversity of beneficial microorganisms which perform different functions. Pathogenic organisms that land on the leaf surface simply cannot compete with the beneficial organisms and therefore have a greatly reduced chance to initiate disease in the first place.
All in all, compost tea is a wonderful addition to any plant. Different solutions can be made to further benefit the plants, and prevent from any disease in the plant. Compost tea is a very easy process to complete, and can be done on any scale.
Direct nutrition
A source of foliar and soil organic nutrients.
Chelated micronutrients for easy plant absorption
Nutrients in a biologically available form for both plant and microbial uptake
Microbial Functions
Compete with disease causing microbes
Degrade toxic pesticides and other chemicals
Produce plant growth hormones
Mineralize plant available nutrients
Fix nitrogen
Plant surfaces are occupied by beneficial microbes leaving no room for pathogens to infect the plant (squatters rights)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
nutrient depleted foods/soils.-Elliot Merrill
It is widely known that organic foods are more sustainable and healthy for the body, but what about convetionally grown foods? conventionally grown foods are produced not for the health and wwell being of the planet but for profit. conventinally grown foods ruin soil and deplete our bodys of nutrition. But at the same time keep us going just enough to go back for more and they tast so good.
" According to the new British analysis of government nutrition data on meat and dairy products from the 1930s and from 2002, the mineral content of milk, cheese and beef declined as much as 70 percent in that period.The research found that parmesan cheese had 70 percent less magnesium and calcium, beef steaks contained 55 percent less iron, chicken had 31 percent less calcium and 69 percent less iron, while milk also showed a large drop in iron along with a 21 percent decline in magnesium.
Copper, an important trace mineral (an essential nutrient that is consumed in tiny quantities), also declined 60 percent in meats and 90 percent in dairy products.“It seems likely that intensive farming methods are responsible for this,” Tokelove said from his office in London." -http://stephenleahy.wordpress.com/2007/07/27/overweight-hungry-blame-hollow-food/
I'd suggest eating organic foods and or growing your own. Not only is organic better for you its proven to build your sustem up against pesticides found in common foods. Organic foods cost more, but really do they? when you look at the healthcare issue in america why arent more people asking why so many people are getting sick in the first place. If we spend less we acctually put our lives in a lot more rist of having some medical issue down the road. The hostpitals/pharmacuitical companies could care less what you eat. They profit from the food companies because we get sick and need medical help.
" According to the new British analysis of government nutrition data on meat and dairy products from the 1930s and from 2002, the mineral content of milk, cheese and beef declined as much as 70 percent in that period.The research found that parmesan cheese had 70 percent less magnesium and calcium, beef steaks contained 55 percent less iron, chicken had 31 percent less calcium and 69 percent less iron, while milk also showed a large drop in iron along with a 21 percent decline in magnesium.
Copper, an important trace mineral (an essential nutrient that is consumed in tiny quantities), also declined 60 percent in meats and 90 percent in dairy products.“It seems likely that intensive farming methods are responsible for this,” Tokelove said from his office in London." -http://stephenleahy.wordpress.com/2007/07/27/overweight-hungry-blame-hollow-food/
I'd suggest eating organic foods and or growing your own. Not only is organic better for you its proven to build your sustem up against pesticides found in common foods. Organic foods cost more, but really do they? when you look at the healthcare issue in america why arent more people asking why so many people are getting sick in the first place. If we spend less we acctually put our lives in a lot more rist of having some medical issue down the road. The hostpitals/pharmacuitical companies could care less what you eat. They profit from the food companies because we get sick and need medical help.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Water polution
Water the resource of life. It takes up 70% of the world. With out water nothing would be able to survive. These days it seems that no one cares about it, big companies are dumping into the rivers, which flow into the ocean. Resulting in wild life and water life dying.
A lot of the pollution is caused by farmers, plowing fields, loggers clear cutting and causing land slides which go into creeks and rivers, and from eroded river banks. When it rains all these areas contain either sediment or commercial farming products which clog the river and kill of wild life species because of the blockage of the river.
Globally, water pollution is a huge problem.
In conclusion, I feel that farmers need to use less polluting sprays, and logging needs to slowly disease, and we need to take care of our wild land, forests and cities. As long as we keep the crap out of the water we will all survive but as of now, it seems that we are on a steady down grade of polluting our waters!
Terran Ahern
A lot of the pollution is caused by farmers, plowing fields, loggers clear cutting and causing land slides which go into creeks and rivers, and from eroded river banks. When it rains all these areas contain either sediment or commercial farming products which clog the river and kill of wild life species because of the blockage of the river.
Globally, water pollution is a huge problem.

In conclusion, I feel that farmers need to use less polluting sprays, and logging needs to slowly disease, and we need to take care of our wild land, forests and cities. As long as we keep the crap out of the water we will all survive but as of now, it seems that we are on a steady down grade of polluting our waters!
Terran Ahern

For any of you who have enjoyed kombucha or any live cultured drink, kvass could be just the beverage for you. not only is it an easy drink to prepare by yourself at the convienience of your own home, but it is rich with health benefeits.
Kvass is an age old traditional drink originating in russia around 989 AD. The drink is a mildly alcoholic, fermented beverage made from either rye bread or black bread. In older times, it was said that in eastern europe and the stan regions kvass was often drunk more than water.
Kvass boosts your metabolism and improves digestion. Also, it helps prevent infection and aids your circulatory system.
here is an easy Kvass recipe:
1/2 lb. Rye Bread
1/2 c. Sugar
1 Packet of Yeast
10 c. Boiled Water
Raisins to Taste
1. Cut bread into thin slices. Dry bread slices in a pan without oil or in an oven until dark brown and crisp.
2. Put the bread into a large bowl and pour in boiling water. Cover and leave in a warm place for about 4 hours.
3. Dissolve yeast in some lukewarm water. Add sugar and mix well.
4. Strain bread mixture through a sieve or colander lined with cheesecloth and save the liquid.
5. Stir sugar and yeast into the liquid, cover and leave in a warm place for about 10 hours.
6. Strain kvass through cheesecloth into clean bottles, add a couple of raisins to each bottle, cork and leave in a cool place for 3 days.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pedal Power!
Nearly 98% of the energy used to pedal a bike is directly transformed to forward motion of the bike. The 2% loss is due to friction of all the components. Many sources suggest the road bike is the most efficient human powered machine we have, (for some perspective, the combustion engine uses only about 20% of the potential energy created by burning fossil fuels, losing most of it in heat and friction.
Due to inginuity and invention, we are starting to see some very creative ways to make pedal power work for us. For example, in Ashland Oregon, our local Heartsong Chai has fashioned a bicycle powered spice grinder for their chai hut to use in their production. This simple contraption probably saves huge alone on replacing an industrial sized grinder that would have been shipped from somewhere likely out of state, (which is another place where some energy spending can be cut out). But there is only inventors with higher aspirations for pedal power, such as the creators of the aquaduct (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U-mvfjyiao). The aquaduct is a bike that can filter and hold water while you ride. Many people in 3rd world countries have to walk extremely far for their water and can only return with as much as they can carry. With this bike, they may not have to travel nearly as far because they can filter their water instead of finding a cleaner source, and they can bring much more than could be carried comfortably.
By Stuart Trivers
Due to inginuity and invention, we are starting to see some very creative ways to make pedal power work for us. For example, in Ashland Oregon, our local Heartsong Chai has fashioned a bicycle powered spice grinder for their chai hut to use in their production. This simple contraption probably saves huge alone on replacing an industrial sized grinder that would have been shipped from somewhere likely out of state, (which is another place where some energy spending can be cut out). But there is only inventors with higher aspirations for pedal power, such as the creators of the aquaduct (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U-mvfjyiao). The aquaduct is a bike that can filter and hold water while you ride. Many people in 3rd world countries have to walk extremely far for their water and can only return with as much as they can carry. With this bike, they may not have to travel nearly as far because they can filter their water instead of finding a cleaner source, and they can bring much more than could be carried comfortably.
By Stuart Trivers
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