Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Water polution

Water the resource of life. It takes up 70% of the world. With out water nothing would be able to survive. These days it seems that no one cares about it, big companies are dumping into the rivers, which flow into the ocean. Resulting in wild life and water life dying.
A lot of the pollution is caused by farmers, plowing fields, loggers clear cutting and causing land slides which go into creeks and rivers, and from eroded river banks. When it rains all these areas contain either sediment or commercial farming products which clog the river and kill of wild life species because of the blockage of the river.
Globally, water pollution is a huge problem.

In conclusion, I feel that farmers need to use less polluting sprays, and logging needs to slowly disease, and we need to take care of our wild land, forests and cities. As long as we keep the crap out of the water we will all survive but as of now, it seems that we are on a steady down grade of polluting our waters!
Terran Ahern

1 comment:

Wilderness Charter School said...

Yo T,

Excellent choice of topic! The pressure for industrial farmers to produce large quantities of food is having a wretched and unsustainable impact on the health of our precious water. How have we come to have so little respect for the thing that is 70% what we are made of? We are clearly a suicidal society.
