Thursday, May 8, 2008

Flax Seeds: What's the Rage, by Surge

Flax seeds come from the common flax plant, which is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. Lately, flax seeds have become wildly popular. It’s hard to walk down the cereal aisle and not see brightly colored boxes advertising that the cereal inside contains flax seeds (if you frequent big corporate supermarkets you may not have seen this phenomena). So what is with all this flax? Well, the flax seed is naturally high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Well what does that mean? I know, it does sound scary, but foods high in Omega-3’s work wonders on your health. Foods such as oily fish, like salmon, kiwifruit, butternuts, walnuts, and flax. Flax not only contains high amounts of Omega-3’s but also lignans, which act as antioxidants, and lots of fiber. Some studies have linked flax seeds with the prevention and treatment of all of the following:                   


  • Heart disease and stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Constipation
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Irregular periods and breast pain
  • Some cancers
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder


            Flax seeds are an easy way to get a lot of the important nutrients you need to live a healthy life. You can get them at your local store where you can buy the whole seed and grind it yourself (they say that from the seed you get more of the good stuff this way) or you can buy it pre-ground. Then just throw it in your salad, your yogurt, your oatmeal, your smoothie, etc. Have fun and be healthy! 


The Seattle Times:
American Heart Association:


Wilderness Charter School said...

Wow Surge this is a very cool write up on flax seeds. Do you have any recipes with flax that you could me?
From Nico

Wilderness Charter School said...

Hey there good look'n,
Surge you are sooooo smart. I can't even believe it some times.

from, Nico a.k.a Mr. Grizz

Wilderness Charter School said...

Hey Serge,

Way to be the first to post! You set a great example for everyone. Your piece on flax seeds is very informative. Your blog reminded me that I have flax in my cupboard that I've been neglecting to eat. Oh, unhealthy me! So, I busted it out, and, for the first time ever, I had fun eating flax meal on my yogurt. Thanks for the suggestion, it had never occurred to me that eating flax could be fun. And, it was! Woo-hoo, FLAX IS A BLAST!
