Sunday, May 11, 2008

CSA's: Building Community, and Providing Local Organic Food!

What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture is when farms offer produce subscriptions where buyers receive monthly or weekly baskets of a variety of different goods, raw or processed. For example; vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk, coffee, etc. This is a great way for food buyers to create a direct relationship with a farm. CSA subscriptions usually last from spring through early fall.

By charging members beforehand, and selling directly to the community, farmers are provided with working capital in advance. Growers often receive better prices for their crops and even gain a bit of financial security as well as being relived of a lot of the burden of marketing.

Some CSA’s require that members work a small number of hours during the growing season, and some farms let members work in exchange for food. Not only do CSA’s help to build community, but they provide fresh organic local produce!

1 comment:

Wilderness Charter School said...

This is a great addition to our blog. I've realized recently that I take for granted that I know about such things, as CSA. But, I keep bumping into folks who look confusedly at me when I speak casually of it. Their confused expression reveals that they don't know what the heck I'm talking about. Your post presents a nice, informative introduction to Communtiy Supported Agriculture, for those who are unfamiliar. Wonderful!

Your collage is lovely and vibrant and makes me want to eat veggies!
